
See the context of this sign.

Historic Quarry Trail

Lee Craig mined fossil fishes for forty
years, retiring in 1937. Part of that time,
he worked a quarry just below the ridge
up the slope from here.

Mr. Craig had lost a leg in a mining
accident before he came to the town
of Fossil to begin his new carrer. Years
later, folks would remember how the
wooden leg creaked as he hiked the
quarry trail.

Generally a good-natured fellow, Lee
Craig was understandably fussy about
access to his quarry. He threw one of
his few tantrums when he discovered
that a neighbor on horseback had really
"messed up" the trail.

Littering was offensive -- even then.

The 2 1/2-mile loop trail winds through
the high desert. A 600-foot side trail
climbs to the quarry where Craig and
other oldtimers mined fossils.

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