Wyoming's Wetlands
A wetland is water surrounded by land. A wetland is a low lying
area where water is at or near the surface of the land. Wetlands
are the most valuable wildlife habitat, yet they are disappearing
faster than any other type of habitat.
Wyoming's wetlands provide food, cover and water for more than 50
species of wildlife which are dependent on wetlands to carry out their life cycles.
They are essential for 40 percent of the birds and mammals and all the fish and
amphibians in the state. All threatened and endangered birds in North American
require wetlands to survive.
Rivers like the Ham's Fork supply a source of clean water to wetland areas. In
turn, wetlands are important in flood and erosion control, water purification, and
recharge of the water table level.
Although westlands comprise less than 2 percent of the land in Wyoming, they are
very important to people and wildlife. Wetlands support more kinds of wildlife
than any other habitat. Wetlands also produce exceptional opportunities for hunting, trapping, bird watching, and photography. Enjoy and preserve wetlands for
everyone's sake.
"Wyoming's Wildlife -- worth the Watching"
is funded in a large part through interest
earned from the Wildlife Trust Account.